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Absolutely worth playing, casually or not. It has great elements of what collector games have to offer, with the real-life stress of NEEDING TO PET THAT DOGGO.

I was having a rough time, and this game cheered me up, and cheered some of my viewers up.

Thank you for this.

How do I go on full screen???

Hey there! Alt+Enter should do the trick!

(1 edit) (+1)

i love this game my favorite dog is finn :) my record is 8 pups pet
what's the world record for a round?? how can i get my pup put in the game lol

finn is secretly the best pup tbh!!


Thanks for sharing


This game is awesome! Its very fun and light hearted!

Is there no invert mouse option?

unfortunately i didn't think to put one in when i made it, apologies for the inconvenience!


This was a really clever and fun time, def a gem and recommended to anyone looking for something short-burst and unique.

(1 edit) (+1)

I was having a lot of fun playing this game and I got up to 8 pups when I encountered this glitch,  my viewpoint kept falling down and I couldn't move, as the doors started rapidly moving past me, gaining speed as the time ticked by, the "arf arf" sound became more and more distorted, I had found my last pup fairly quickly so I had 84 seconds to watch reality zoom past me in real time as the clock counted down, mocking my inability to find another good pup to pet. I will try to play the game again later but figured I should let someone know about this glitch. ^^

edit: I am playing on a MacBook Air if that helps

augh, I’m sorry for the glitch!! did the house appear at all or did you just fall straight through the floor before you could see the environment? my current computer situation is making it tricky to squash bugs right now but i wanna take a look and see what’s causing it when I can!


For me the house didn't appear at all and I just started falling, don't stress too much about it though, I was able to start a new round and played a bit more without encountering this problem again. Thank you for your devotion to this game and I hope everything will turn out alright, stay safe and have a good rest of your week! :)


I got this one too and honestly it's hilarious! I mean it's sad I don't get to pet more pups but I can just restart, so don't stress about it. First time nothing appeared, just doors, and second time there was a floor for a split second and then after that just doors.

FWIW I'm playing on a Mac, and it happened twice, once after 3 dogs and again after 5. I'd slap a dog image on the bottom of the Skybox, call this a "secret", and be done with it honestly :P.

Great, fabulous, and most excellent game BTW.


Everything about this is adorable! Highly recommend to anyone with some spare time.


Found this gem in the recent Bundle pack. It's perfect for casual gamers that have some time to spare, but most importantly for those who love doggos more than hoomans.


Hey! Would it be possible to release a 64-bit build for Linux users? I tried the x86 one on my Ubuntu and it would not run :(


i'll definitely try!! the floor bug will likely be present, so apologies in advance, but i'll try to get this exported in the next few days


Yes, this game makes me happy! Except when I lose.

This was a cute game. I love the art style you chosen for this game. 5/5 from me.

Such a good game. Never fails to make me smile haha


I really loved this! A strong dose of good energy and just pure happiness! Thank you for that! Planned on doing more than one game in the video, but this deserves a standalone representation.

(1 edit) (+2)

I love this game - the art style is sublime, the animations are smooth and welcoming, and the concept is simple, yet brilliant.  Thanks for making this!  

I also just discovered this game has a good speedrun community with a 10 pup category, and all pups,  count me in.


thank you so much for the kind words and for playing!! the speedrun community are my heroes 😭


Enjoying the game, looks like sometimes it forgets that most parties take place in houses and that people need floors to stand on though!

I having the same problem i am using the pc version on a windows 10 laptop

oh no, so sorry for the trouble! exported the last build on a Mac but gonna re-export again on a PC in a bit and see if I can fix this.

okay! i just rolled back the PC build to what should be a more stable build. please redownload when you get a moment and see if that fixes it!


I am not having the issue anymore thank you!! 🐶

so sorry for the trouble! i just rolled back the PC build to what should be a more stable version. please redownload when you get a moment and see if that fixes it!

Hi! It looks like you’re using Unity, so could you please consider providing a Linux build? Thanks.

working on this! I gotta get access to a PC to export for linux but hoping to do so soon — thanks for your patience!


Thank you! :)

hey there, just added a linux build! i can't test on my end unfortunately but hopefully it runs!

It works, except I got the no-floor glitch at 7 pups.

Howdy! I'm running this on macOS Catalina (version 10.15.5) and it says the app needs to be updated by the developer to work with my version.

(1 edit) (+1)

You have downloaded the 32bit version, Apple dropped support for 32bit apps from Catalina onwards. Download the 64bit build, which I have running on my Macbook Air 2012 with Catalina. Perhaps it only became available in the last few hours :)

You'll get a popup on running saying that the app can't run because it can't be verified. It can, just open security in system preferences and hit open anyway. Only do this when you trust the source of the executable, obviously.

thank you for this!! yes, the 64-bit build should be Catalina friendly — just right click and select “open” from that menu and you should be good to go!


My daughter (8 years old) has played this pretty much all of today! We both absolutely love it! I'm assuming the dogs in it are based on real people's dogs?

She's convinced it would be ideal on the Nintendo Switch.


that's so so lovely to hear!! thank you both so much for playing. and yes, all of those digital dogs are based on very good IRL pups, each a perfect creature!


Are there plans to rebuild the Mac version for newer machines that no longer support 32-bit applications?


yes, absolutely! working on this!


alright, just added the 64-bit build above! let me know if you have any trouble downloading it!


Yay, it works! (Gives me the standard warning about how you didn't buy an Apple dev cert, but whatever, nobody cares about that.)

Deleted 1 year ago

oh no, I’m so sorry! can you tell me a bit more about the machine + os you’re running on?

Deleted 1 year ago

so sorry for the trouble! happy to offer a refund via paypal and gonna try to dig into this

hey, id like to know what game engine you used. if gamemaker studio, how did you make each letter one by one move in circles? if its a shader, can i please know what its called if its by someone else

thank you, see ya

hey there! i used Unity to make this one, and i used the wonderful Super Text Mesh asset by Kai Claiver:


This is the feel good game I never knew I needed in my life. Thank you. 


Super fun and addictive. I had a great time playing and the art style was great.


What program did you use to make this game?

hey there! i made this one in Unity!


I love the art style and especially the DOGGOS! This small game is definitely a labor of love.

This was a wonderful concept with a cute design. The graphics were simple and the gameplay was straight to the point. The only flaw was that I could not find out how to full screen but even then it's not that big of a deal. Very fun game haha

thank you for playing!


I figured out fullscreen! It's Alt+Enter :D


This is GOTY!


had a good time playing this! keep it up!


Love the pups and the style, yes


I've never said "Dog" so many times and with so much enthusiasm in my life! I love it! 🌟




This game is really fun to play & it has good music. Here's some gameplay of it hope you enjoy it   : )   


great game!

thank you for playing!


My highscore is 10 pups uwu




I downloaded this game when jackaboy played it and I went to my mom's friends son's house  He and his mom absolutely loooooooooooved it!!!!!(especially since ha had a crap pc) thank you so much for this fun and awesome adventure I hope you make more  good games like this! 


The most eminent game of our time, Pet the Pup at the Party truly explores what it means to be in our current time. It is the defining piece of a generation, that is, it is Love in the Time of Now. Its discussion of the human condition will be referenced in the vast halls of academia for millenia to come. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to immerse myself in such a masterpiece.


Very fun game - thanks for making it :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Absolutely loved playing this game. I made a video on it on my youtube channel. very addicting. strongly recommend it.

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